Monday, April 18, 2011

How Familiar Are You With These Terms?

When it comes to dental hygiene, there are many common words that one hears when sitting in the dentist chair.  The most common one of these is "floss", but there are a plethora of other terms dental professionals use when discussing teeth; do you know them all?

Tooth Cavity: Cavities in teeth are holes that are created by acid in your mouth, specifically around your gums. Tooth cavities most commonly occur when foods containing carbohydrates become trapped between your teeth and are not completely removed when one brushes their mouth.  The bacteria living inside your mouth then digest these carbohydrates which in turn create the acid which causes cavities.

Plaque: Plaque is a sticky, colorless deposit of bacteria that is constantly forming on the surface of teeth.  Food, saliva, and fluids in your mouth produce these deposits that collect where your teeth and gums meet.

Tartar: Tatar is a deposit that forms after plaque has hardened on the tooth.  The susceptibility of tartar build up varies greatly between each individual but the urgency to remove it stays the same.  Tartar can be easily nitcable unlike plaque in that it has a tellow or brown color on your tooth.  Because tartar buildup bonds so strongly to enamel, it can only be removed by a dental professional. 

These are only three of the most common dental hygiene terms often thrown around in the dentist office.  Try and use them at home and see if your friends and family really know what's going on inside their mouths.  Post comments below with your own terms you defined or would like to see included in our list.

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